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Flow texts by Dr. Thomas Prüfer - Geschichtsbüro Reder, Roeseling & Prüfer, www.geschichtsbuero.de - using the literature and sources indicated under the respective period. Note: B + M = Berichte und Mitteilungen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Reports and Communications of the Max Planck Society).


Unless otherwise indicated, the images are taken from the various publications of the Max Planck Society and the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research mentioned below. In addition, from archived image material of the MPI for Metals Research, which was extensively digitized in spring 2021. Accordingly, the rights are held by the Max Planck Society and the MPI for Metals Research / MPI for Intelligent Systems.

The source information has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. We would be pleased if you inform us of any errors or discrepancies so that we can improve them.


Teaser-Video: Archive MPI for Intelligent Systems, Video: Alejandro Posada

Slider: Pictures from publications and the archive of the Max Planck Society and from the archive of the MPI for Metals Research / MPI for Intelligent Systems.



Walther Fischer: Heyn, Emil. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie [New German Biography] 9 (1972), p. 92 f., URL: https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd116793201.html#ndbcontent (20 April 2021).

Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016, pp. 1007‒1020.

Helmut Maier: Forschung als Waffe. Rüstungsforschung in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung 1900–1945/48 [Research as a Weapon. Arms Research in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research 1900–1945/48]. Vol. 1. Göttingen 2007, pp. 152–299.

Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Helmut Maier: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330–373, here pp. 332‒334.

Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985), pp. 11‒15.


Pictures Centralstelle and Staatliches Materialprüfungsamt; In: Max-Planck-Society, B + M 1/1985; Copyright: Bundesanstalt für Materialprüfung (BAM), Approval received from their press office on July 27, 2021.

Picture Emil Heyn: Archive of the Max Planck Society.


Literature and sources

25 Jahre: [Werner Köster/Hans von Schulz] 25 Jahre Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung [25 Years of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research] 1921 – 1946. Stuttgart 1949, pp. 23-38.

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985), pp. 16‒21.

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016, pp. 1020-1026.

Köster: Köster, Werner (1896-1989), Metallkundler [Metallurgist], URL: https://www.kipnis.de/index.php/alexander/kurzbiografien/176-koester-werner-1896-1989-metallkundler [18 May 2021]

Maier 2007: Helmut Maier: Forschung als Waffe. Rüstungsforschung in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung 1900–1945/48 [Research as a Weapon. Arms Research in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research 1900–1945/48]. 2 volumes. Göttingen 2007, pp. 300-474 and 637-934.

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Helmut Maier: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330–373, here pp. 335-337.

Petzow 1989: Petzow, Günter: Werner Köster. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 80 (1989), pp. 754-756.

Rühle 2005: Rühle, Manfred: Sachs, George. In: Neue Deutsche Biographie [New German Biography] 22 (2005), pp. 329-330, URL: https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd122191870.html [4 May 2021]

New start in Stuttgart:
B + M 1/85, p. 16 f.; Maier 2007, pp. 300-328; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1019 f.

A productive symbiosis: 25 Jahre, pp. 24-25; B + M 1/85, p. 16; Maier 2007, p. 324 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1020.

The Institute building in Seestrasse: 25 Jahre, pp. 26-28; B + M 1/85, p. 18; Maier 2007, p. 324 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1020 f.

Research under the Nazi regime: Maier 2007, pp. 324 f., 387-403 and 568; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1020 f.

Principles and applications: B + M 1/85, p. 20 f. ; Maier 2007, pp. 361-419; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1021 f.

Good connections: Maier 2007, pp. 591-595 and 979; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1022 and 1025 f.

At war: Cited in Meier 2007, p. 637; cf. Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1024 f.; Maier 2007, pp. 637-693; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1024-1026.

Vital to the war effort: Maier 2007, pp. 637-693; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1024-1026; Maier 2007, pp. 693-702, 710-717, 743-749, 785-813 and 902-915; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1026.

Portrait Georg(e) O. Sachs: Rühle 2005; Maier 2007, p. 311 f.

Portrait Werner Köster: Petzow 1989; Köster.

The end: 25 Jahre, p. 37 f.; B + M 1/85, p. 21; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1026 f.


Big header picture: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).

New beginnings under the swastika: (Slider) Archive of the Max Planck Society.

Timeline: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Picture by Fritz Förster).

New start in Stuttgart: Archive of the Max Planck Society.

A productive symbiosis: 25 Jahre MPI für Metallforschung, 1949, p. 34 f..

The Institute building in Seestrasse: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).

Research under the Nazi regime: Werner Köster's Ex Libris sticker in an issue of the "Zeitschrift für Metallkunde" 1936, found in the institute's library.

Big Picture: Archive of the Max Planck Society.

Principles and applications: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Pictures by Fritz Förster, Estate Werner Köster).

Good connections: Title "Zeitschrift für Metallkunde" 1937.

At war: Pics with Dönitz / Airplane Adler

Vital to the war effort : Archive of the BRD, Picture 101II-MW-5564-25 / Wächter / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5413781 )

Portrait Georg(e) O. Sachs: Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1014.

Portrait Werner Köster: Henning/Kazemi 2016 II, p. 1013.

Big Picture: Reports and Communications from the Max Planck Society, 3/1960, p. 137.

The end: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).


Literature and sources

25 Jahre: [Werner Köster/Hans von Schulz] 25 Jahre Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung [25 Years of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research] 1921 – 1946. Stuttgart 1949

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985)

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Köster: Köster, Werner (1896-1989), Metallkundler [Metallurgist], URL: https://www.kipnis.de/index.php/alexander/kurzbiografien/176-koester-werner-1896-1989-metallkundler [18 May 2021]

Maier 2007: Helmut Maier: Forschung als Waffe. Rüstungsforschung in der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft und das Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung 1900–1945/48 [Research as a Weapon. Arms Research in the Kaiser Wilhelm Society and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research 1900–1945/48]. 2 volumes. Göttingen 2007

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330–373

Attempts at headhunting:
25 Jahre, p. 39 f.; B + M 1/1985, p. 22; Maier 2007, pp. 935 and 951-955; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1027.

Incarceration: 25 Jahre, p. 41; B + M 1/1985, p. 22; Maier 2007, p. 934-952; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1027.

Restoration, work continues: 25 Jahre, pp. 39-42; B + M 1/1985, pp. 22‒24; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1027 f.

Dr. Förster starts his own business: Maier 2010, p. 337; About Foerster/History, URL: https://www.foerstergroup.de/de/deu/unternehmen/ueber-foerster/ [26 May 2021].


Big header pictures: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).

Transition: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).

Timeline: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Picture gallery: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Attempts at headhunting: B + M 3/1960, p. 141.

Incarceration : 25 Jahre, p. 24 f. and Erich Gebhardt, 25 Jahre, p. 42.

Restoration, work continues: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Estate Werner Köster).

Big picture: B + M 1960, 3/1960, p. 137.

Foerster, aus: Homepage Foerster Group, URL: https://www.foerstergroup.de/de/deu/unternehmen/ueber-foerster/ Copyright: Foerster Group); Approval received.

Dr. Förster starts his own business : 25 Jahre, p. 33.


Literature and sources

25 Jahre: [Werner Köster/Hans von Schulz] 25 Jahre Kaiser Wilhelm-Institut für Metallforschung [25 Years of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metals Research] 1921 – 1946. Stuttgart 1949

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985)

Gebhardt 1960: Erich Gebhardt: Aufbau und Aufgaben der Abteilung Sondermetalle [Erich Gebhardt: Structure and Tasks of the Department of Special Metals]. In: Mitteilungen aus der MPG [Announcements by the MPG] 3/1960, pp. 177-182

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Köster 1959: [Werner Köster:] Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Zum 25-jährigen Bestehen des Institutes in Stuttgart 1959 [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research. Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the Institute in Stuttgart 1959]. Stuttgart 1959

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Helmut Maier: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330–339

Mitteilungen 1960: Mitteilungen aus der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft 3/1960 [Announcements 1960: Announcements by the Max Planck Society 3/1960]

MPI-MF 1966: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. In: Mitteilungen aus der MPG [Announcements by the MPG] 3/1966, pp. 141-154

Petzow 1989: Günter Petzow: Werner Köster. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 80 (1989), pp. 754-756.

From KWI to MPI:
25 Jahre, p. 43; M + B 1/1985, p. 24 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1029.

Policy towards the past: Köster 1959, p. 11.; 25 Jahre, pp. 28 and 30-38; Petzow 1989, p. 754; Maier 2007, pp. 952-959; Maier 2010, p. 338.

Internationalization: Köster 1959, p. 15; M + B 1/1985, p. 26.

Special metals for reactor construction: Köster 1959, p. 14; Mitteilungen 1960; Gebhardt 1960; M + B 1/1985, pp. 26-28; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1029 f.

Development of solid state physics: Köster 1959, p. 14 f.; MPI-MF 1966, p. 151 f.; M + B 1/1985, pp. 26-28; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1029.


Big header picture: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

The nuclear age: Archive of the Max Planck Society (Picture credit von der Brüggen).

Timeline: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

From KWI to MPI: B + M 3/1960, p. 143.

Policy towards the past: 25 Jahre, p. 28 (Picture without Nazi functional) and Archive of the Max Planck Society (Picture with Nazi functional).

Internationalization: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Special metals for reactor construction: B + M 3/1960, p. 183 ff and Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Bildcollage großes Querbild: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Development of solid state physics : Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1015.


Literature and sources

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985)

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330– 339

Petzow 1989: Günter Petzow: Werner Köster. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 80 (1989), 754-756

External unit in Karlsruhe:
B + M 1/1985, p. 28; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1030.

Reorganization at the end of an era: B + M 1/1985, p. 28 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1030 f.

Ultra-pure substances – a new research field: B + M 1/1985, p. 31 f.; Maier 2010, p. 337; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1033, 1036 and 1039.

The first high voltage electron microscope: B + M 1/1985, p. 30 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1033.


Big header picture: Archive of the Max Planck Society.

New research fields, new structure: Archive of the Max Planck Society.

Timeline: B + M 3/1960, p. 176.

External unit in Karlsruhe: FR2 from above.

Reorganization at the end of an era: Mitteilungen of the MPG, 1966, p. 142.

Ultra-pure substances – a new research field: Year Book of the MPS, 1976, p. 491.

The first high voltage electron microscope: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.


Literature and sources

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985)

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330–339

Off to pastures new: the Powder Metallurgical Laboratory
: B + M 1/1985, p. 29 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1033.

Streamlining and collegial leadership: B + M 1/1985, p. 32-34.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1034.

Büsnau campus: B + M 1/1985, p. 34-36.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1035.

Transitions: B + M 1/1985, p. 36 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1035 f.


Großes Headerbild: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Beginnings in Büsnau: Archive Günter Petzow, digitalized in 2021.

Timeline: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Off to pastures new: the Powder Metallurgical Laboratory: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021 and B + M 1985, p. 31.

Streamlining and collegial leadership: Pictures and captions (shortened) from several Year Books of the MPS: 1975, 1977, 1978 and 1980.

Büsnau campus: Rühle 1996, p. 822.

Lower part of big picture: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

Transitions: Henning/Kazemi II, 2016.


Literature and sources

B + M 1/1985: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. Berichte und Mitteilungen [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (= Max Planck Society). Reports and Communications]. Issue 1/85. Munich 1985)

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330-339

MPG-JB: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 1981‒1990 [Max Planck Society Yearbook 1981–1990]

Rühle 1996: Manfred Rühle: 75 Years of the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung: A Short History and Outlook for the Future. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 87 (1996), 816-826

A dream comes true: the Pelletron accelerator: B + M 1/1985, p. 37; MPG-JB 1987, pp. 682-686; MPG-JB 1989, pp. 609-611; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1036.

The early days of ceramics research at the institute: MPG-JB 1988, pp. 581-589; Rühle 1996, p. 823; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1037.

From the world to the Ländle: Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1037 f.

Farewell and welcome: Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1038.


Big header picture: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

From metals research to materials research: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Timeline: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research, digitalized in 2021.

A dream comes true: the Pelletron accelerator: Annual Yearbooks of the MPG 1987 and 1990.

The early days of ceramics research at the institute: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

From the world to the Ländle: Henning/Kazemi II 2016.

Farewell and welcome: From various publications of the Max Planck Society.


Literature and sources

Aldinger 2002: Fritz Aldinger: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 93 (2002/5), pp. 339-343

Henning/Kazemi II 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Maier 2010: Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330-339

Research Overview 2002: Research Overview. Current Activities of the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. [Insert in:] Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung Stuttgart. Vom Wert des Wissens. Materialien im Brennpunkt [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research Stuttgart. The Value of Knowledge. Materials in Focus]. Stuttgart 2002 (44 pp.)

Rühle 1996: Manfred Rühle: 75 Years of the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. A Short History and Outlook for the Future. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 87 (1996), 816-826

Wert des Wissens 2002: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung Stuttgart. Vom Wert des Wissens. Materialien im Brennpunkt [Max Planck Insitute for Metals Research Stuttgart. The Vlaue of Knowledge. Materials in Focus]. Stuttgart 2002

Pioneers of scientific reunification: Rühle 1996, p. 823; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1038 f.

A new generation and reorganization: Rühle 1996, p. 823 f.; Aldinger 2002, pp. 340 and 342 f.; Research Overview 2002, pp. 2-43; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1038-1042.

Partners in China: Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1041 f.

Research and teaching: Aldinger 2002, p. 341 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1035 and 1042.


Big header picture: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Pioneers in many fields: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Pioneers of scientific reunification: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research/ Hellmut Fischmeister und Manfred Rühle: Henning/Kazemi II, 2016 / MPI of Microstructure Physics in Halle a.d. Saale, Homepage, https://www.mpi-halle.mpg.de/home

A new generation and reorganization: Henning/Kazemi II, 2016.

Partners in China: Archive Günter Petzow.

Research and teaching: (Slider) Professor Eduard Arzt from brochure "Vom Wert des Wissens, Materialien im Brennpunkt", 2002, Archiv MPI für Metallforschung; Professor Helmut Kronmüller Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.


Literature and sources

Aldinger 2002: Fritz Aldinger: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Fritz Aldinger: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde 93 (2002/5), pp. 339-343

Editorial. In: 90 Jahre Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [90 Years of the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: International Journal of Materials Research 102 (2011/7), pp. 759-772

Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 2. N.p. 2016

Helmut Maier: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung [Helmut Maier: Max Planck Institute for Metals Research]. In: Denkorte. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Brüche und Kontinuitäten 1911–2011 [Places for Thought. Max Planck Society and Kaiser Wilhelm Society. Breaks and Continuities 1911–2011]. Dresden 2010, pp. 330-339

Research Overview 2002: Research Overview. Current Activities of the Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung. [Insert in:] Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung Stuttgart. Vom Wert des Wissens. Materialien im Brennpunkt [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research Stuttgart. The Value of Knowledge. Materials in Focus]. Stuttgart 2002 (44 pp.)

Wert des Wissens 2002: Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung Stuttgart. Vom Wert des Wissens. Materialien im Brennpunkt [Max Planck Institute for Metals Research Stuttgart. The Value of Knowledge. Materials in Focus]. Stuttgart 2002

The new high-voltage ultra-high resolution electron microscope JEM-ARM 1250 at the MPI for Metals Research in Stuttgart. In: Elektronenmikroskopie Nr. 9, August 1994, pp. 16-23

Centre for Materials Science, Büsnau: Aldinger 2002, p. 343; Maier 2010, p. 338 f.; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1042.

Out with the old, in with the new: Editorial 2011, pp. 760 and 765; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1043.

Ultra-high resolution in Electron Microscopy: Elektronenmikroskopie in Stuttgart (tabellarisch), https://www.dge-homepage.de/zeitschrift/elektronenmikroskopie_009.pdf; Editorial 2011, p. 765; Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 1044.

Reorientation: Maier 2010, p. 338 f.; Editorial 2011, p. 760 f.;Henning/Kazemi II 2016, pp. 1043-1046.


Big header picture: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Transformation: Key-Visual of the MPI for Metals Research, from the brochure: "Vom Wert des Wissens, Materialien im Brennpunkt", 2002; Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Centre for Materials Science, Büsnau: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Out with the old, in with the new: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Ultra-high resolution in Electron Microscopy: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.

Reorientation: Archive of the MPI for Metals Research.


Literature and sources

ELLIS website, URL: https://ellis.eu/ [23 May 2015]

ELLIS: Official inauguration of 30 research units at leading institutions across Europe (15 September 2020), URL: http://is.tuebingen.mpg.de/en/news/ellis-inaugurates-30-research-units-at-leading-institutions-across-europe [23 May 2021]

Henning/Kazemi I 2016: Eckart Henning/Marion Kazemi: Handbuch zur Institutsgeschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-/Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften 1911‒2011. Daten und Quellen [Handbook on the Institutional History of the Kaiser Wilhelm/Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science 1911–2011. Data and Sources]. Vol. 1. N.p. 2016, pp. 729-734

Interview Bernhard Schölkopf, 4 June 2021; textual additions, 6 June 2021

Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS

Notes Bernhard Schölkopf (preparation for interview)

Website MPI-IS, URL: https://www.is.mpg.de/en

From materials to autonomous systems: Notes by Bernhard Schölkopf; Henning/Kazemi I 2016, p. 730.

Research into intelligent systems: Cited in Henning/Kazemi II 2016, p. 730.

Support for junior scientists: Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, pp. 18-25.

Cyber Valley: Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, p. 8 f.; addendum by Bernhard Schölkopf, 6 June 2021.

Competence Centre for Artificial Intelligence: Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, p. 11.

Women at MPI-IS: Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, p. 28 f.; Athena Group, URL: https://www.is.mpg.de/en/pages/athena-group [7 June 2021].

Strengthening Europe as a research hub: ELLIS website; URL: https://ellis.eu/ [23 May 2015]; ELLIS: Official inauguration of 30 research units at leading institutions across Europe (15 September 2020), URL: http://is.tuebingen.mpg.de/en/news/ellis-inaugurates-30-research-units-at-leading-institutions-across-europe [23 May 2021]; Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, p. 14 f.

Excellence: Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, p. 12.

The MPI during its anniversary year: Website MPG-IS, URL: https://www.is.mpg.de/en [25 May 2021]; Highlights 2019 - Annual Report MPI-IS 2019, pp. 38-69.


Big header picture: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, picture: Alejandro Posada.

Timeline: Logos of several MPI-IS initiatives.

New name, new orientation: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, picture: Claudia Däfler.

From materials to autonomous systems: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems.

Research into intelligent systems

The Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems grows dynamically: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems.

Support for junior scientists: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, picture: Patrick Junker, 2018.

Cyber Valley: Logos of the partner organizations 2021.

Competence Centre for Artificial Intelligence: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, picture: Alejandro Posada.

Big picture "Women": Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems.

Women at MPI-IS: Archiv Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, pictures: Wolfram Scheible.

Strengthening Europe as a research hub: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, picture: Alejandro Posada, pictures: Jörg Abendroth.

Excellenz: Left: Tübingen University, picture: Christoph Jäckle / Right: Stuttgart University, picture: ICD; Screenshots of the respective homepages, Juli 2021.

The MPI during its anniversary year: Archive of the MPI for Intelligent Systems, pictures: Wolfram Scheible, Herlinde Koelbl.

August 2021